GLAD Retreat (SBS)
GLAD Retreat (SBS): 1 - 10 September 2023 Contact us for details:
GLAD Retreat (SBS): 1 - 10 September 2023 Contact us for details:
INTRODUCTION A follow-up of the GLAD Programme, JEDI further explores the Dhamma leadership with a special focus on building Dhamma-inspired paradigms and skills. Designed based on inspiration from Dhammapada Verse 183, this program will take the GLADians to the next level of Dhamma leadership – to be an Engaging Dhamma Influencer. KEY OBJECTIVES The main…
"We concluded our second edition of Digital Dhammaduta Workshop last weekend at Bandar Botanic Country Resort, Klang. The session who was facilitated by Bro. Koh Mui Han was attended by 18 participants from more than 10 Buddhist Societies. It was a highly interactive workshop with the participants undergoing different exercises and assignments to understand the…
Date: 7 - 8 October & 21 - 22 October 2023 The main focus of the GLAD program is to change the mindset of Buddhist Leaders to have a sense of mission guided by Dhammapada verse 182. At the end of the program, participants will have an in-depth understanding of the Dhammapada verse 182 as…
Date: 7 - 8 October & 21 - 22 October 2023 The main focus of the GLAD program is to change the mindset of Buddhist Leaders to have a sense of mission guided by Dhammapada verse 182. At the end of the program, participants will have an in-depth understanding of the Dhammapada verse 182 as…
Date: 18 - 19 November & 2 - 3 December 2023 The main focus of the GLAD program is to change the mindset of Buddhist Leaders to have a sense of mission guided by Dhammapada verse 182. At the end of the program, participants will have an in-depth understanding of the Dhammapada verse 182 as…